"Students in possession, using, selling, or buying a(n) electronic cigarette/vaping devices, including Juul (or parts, liquids, pods, vials, or other material thereof) will be placed in DAEP (CAPS) and police will be contacted."
There has been a significant increase in the use of electronic smoking devices by teenagers to “vape” tobacco and other nicotine products. Studies show that electronic smoking devices are the most common form that teens are using to get the delivery of nicotine. Some of the most common additives in the electronic cigarette are nicotine, flavorings, and caffeine. These substances have been known to have a negative effect on adolescent brain development.
In addition to the overall increase in the use of electronic smoking devices, there has also most recently been a rapid increase in the use of using electronic smoking devices. These devices are used in order to “vape”; not only tobacco, but also THC, which is the chemical found in marijuana. With the increase and uncertainty of what is contained in these odorless electronic smoking devices, along with the inability of school administration to verify the contents through visual or olfactory inspection, and the state’s recent increase of the age requirement to purchase both tobacco and e-cigarette products from the age of 18 to 21 that will go into effect on September 1st; effective at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year Childress ISD students in possession, using, selling, or buying a(n) electronic cigarette/vaping devices, including Juul (or parts, liquids, pods, vials, including any form of tobacco or other material thereof) will be placed in DAEP:
First Offense - 10 instructional days and police will be contacted
Second Offense - 20 instructional days and police will be contacted
Third Offense - One full semester and police will be contacted
Additionally, other consequences outside of Childress ISD’s control may be imposed for violations of Texas State Laws of having possession of drugs within 300 feet of a school {TEC 37.006 (a)(2)(C)(D)}.