August 12, 2019
"Students in possession, using, selling, or buying a(n) electronic cigarette/vaping devices, including Juul (or parts, liquids, pods, vials, or other material thereof) will be pl...
August 6, 2019
The CHS staff worked in departments today as they began to prepare for the new year. The departments discussed common grading policies, vertical alignment, and pre and post testin...
July 29, 2019
Click for the link to the CHS Student Code of Conduct for the 2019-2020 school year.
CHS Student Code of Conduct 19-20
July 29, 2019
Click for the link to the CHS Student/Parent Handbook for the 2019-2020 school year!
CHS Student Handbook 19-20
July 29, 2019
Click for the link to the Childress ISD 2019-2020 school calendar.
Childress ISD School Calendar 19-20
July 29, 2019
We’re thrilled to announce Childress Independent School District’s new app! It’s everything Bobcats, in your pocket. With the new app, you can access sports scores, cafeteria menu...